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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Work at Home!!

I will finally be able to focus on my dream job - work at home. I recently resigned from my work at Mega Publishing, where I wrote for magazine Celebrity Living and S Magazine. My last day was May 30 (or 29? My date of effectivity is May 30). Good magazines, but not my cup of tea, and I look back and wonder, why did I get myself into showbiz mags?

Well, anyway, my tour of duty is done, and I can stop contradicting myself in terms of interests. I can now focus on a job that I am interested in, and not into just for the money. It's a research writing job, and I only need to do it at home!

Many people today though probably have the idea that if one should work, one should leave home. People often believe that work and home have to be separated. Besides, they might think that if you work at home, you're lazy. You don't go out much. You don't have a life and all that.


Working at home is a good trend today. There are many benefits. For me, the worker, I live in the convenience of home. I don't need to observe office hours.
I don't need to go through that inconvenience of plowing through traffic and jostling with all those people just to get to work. I don't need to spend so much just to get somewhere. There are just too many people to push through these days!

But work at home benefits the environment too. If I don't use a motor vehicle, I don't use up gas. It doesn't emit pollution if I don't ride it. I can even have more time to use my bicycle and get some exercise. I don't even get exposed to McDonald's and all those expensive restaurants. My merienda in the office lately averaged above P100. Sucks.

Employers should also benefit, since work-at-home employees means that they do not need to rent or own a large office space that can be hard to maintain later. They don't need to buy equipment, or maintain so many supplies. They just let the workers-at-home maintain their own computers (which most would prefer indeed).

Employers may not like work-at-home, because they can't control the employees, and probably just believe in the traditional system of "work belongs in the office." I also believe that many employers want to be users, getting the most bucks while the employees work their asses off to make their employer rich for only little. I refuse to be part of this situation.

I'd also like to encourage other people to take at home jobs. It'll save the environment.

So here I am, going to be home free a few days after this post. But who knows if I'll go abroad too. Life just sucks for the most part in this country.

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